DotSwift 2019 Review

DotSwift 2019 Review

I attended the DotSwift conference in Paris, France the last week of January. It’s an afternoon of a series of 18 minute talks and 5 “lightning talks” that last 4 minutes all on topics related to Swift software development. This conference brings together people from across Europe and North America and emphasizes presence / social interaction. In fact one of my favorite things about the conferece was it’s “No Wifi” policy. This encouraged attendees and presenters to talk with each other during breaks as well as enable attendees to give their full attention to the presentations.

Here are some of my favorite presentations from the conference:

Daniel Jalkut - Just Enough Objective-C

Discusses how even “Pure Swift” apps live in a world of Objective-C code.

Mark Dalrymple - Wh@t is th@t?

A deep dive into what annotations are, how they work, and most interestly how to find them in the iOS SDK.

Janina Kutyn - CATransform3D: You don’t need to know them

Fascinating technical details about the math that powers Apple’s Core Animation APIs.

Soroush Khanlou - From Problem to Solution

A guide on how simplied solutions reveal themselves via iteration and abstraction.

To learn more about the conference make sure to checkout the conference videos and photos.